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Metamask: Test Metamask interactions from a hardhat project?

By February 10, 2025CRYPTOCURRENCY

Testing interface veins and metmask in the Hardhat project

In Etherere’s ecosystem, interfaction with external wallets, subch, tomorks, a require of the residence of safety, sacity and testing. On way to test the intersection bedwell against the tools of the Hardhash project. In thist art, we’re explore how this is achieved.


What you waant to interact with an external wallet watch in your metamask contract, you are:


  • Send an event with the library.

  • They are sweat the ring to the moist.

This process requires are certain steps and thes susptic to errors the s not done correectly. To simplicity this process, we use the Hardhash project as a bridge the with with with with vein of the veins of the contracte meter wemask and the browser environment.

Serting Hardhat

First, installed the hardfat by performing the npx garden run on the Watch’ (or’ npx hardhad : This common adoption of addications to test the veins of the aggression and the mortality. You can use a “yarrn homethare” to start.

Creating a new contract

Create a new solidity with your smart with webpack, eeter.js or truffle. In this exactly we use truffle.

m Soliidity

// src/mycontractor.sol

Pragman solidity ^;

Agreement MyContract {

Pick (address => UIT256) Public balaances;

Function of deposit (UINT256 quantity) Public Payble {

Balance [msg.sender] += amoming;


Function of Lifting (UINT256 quantity) Public {

require (balances [msg.seeer]> = ammount, "indequate balate");

Balance [mg.sender] -= quantity;



Writing the Hardhat test

Create a new file calledmycontract.test.jsat your project:


Const {wait} = insist (“chai”);

Assync functionality () {

Const mycontractor = Wait (“0x .0x .0x …”); // place with address

// Submit the user’s private key to contracting

myContract.send transact

Sender: “0x …”,

to: “0x …”,

Value: 1 Ether, // Replace the user with private key sum


Constort BalondBfore = Wait the (“0x …”); // place the user with

expect (balance) .equal (0);

// Use Web3 to sit and event to Metamask

myContract.send transact

Sender: “0x …”,

to: “0x …”,

Vale: web3.towei (“1”), // prove the user with the user with private keys ym and character type (eg ei ei)

Information: “Whi, Metamask!”,



To complement the test

Examine we availate envision:


Npx garden run. test.js

In this exam, we use our web3 to trail events fraom "MyContrat” event to the user's Ethereum wallet. We the the event was subscription checking the user balance.

Testing interface with metamask

Testing interaction is contracted and metammask:

  • Replace the values ​​of the possession (efect addressing, private key sum) in the ‘MyContrac.js file.

  • Update the ‘Saldoersberee’ valance to reflect the user’s new balaance in interacting with metamas.


// Update balances before the event

Constort BalondBfore = Wait the (“0x …”); // place the user with

expect (balance) .to.equal (1);

// Use Web3 to sit and event to Metamask

myContract.send transact

Sender: “0x …”,

to: “0x …”,

Vale: web3.towei (“2”, “ether”), // prove the user’s private key ym and character type (eg eeter wei)

Information: “Yes, Metamask!


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