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Ethereum: Can’t make successful call via remote JSON RPC

By February 7, 2025CRYPTOCURRENCY

Ethereum node performance: A RPC problem Json Remote

As Ethereum developer, it is probably familiar with the importance of having a fast and reliable block chain connection. However, I found a frustrating problem when making calls RPC Json remote in one of my Ethereum nodes.

After verifying that my node is really in operation by the standard command Bitcoind ($ bitcoind -Server -url http: // localhost: 8545), I noticed that trying to make a call RPC Json remote using a library like eth -RPC or eth.js does not yield results. Despite several attempts, I have not been able to send or receive successful data through the Ethereum Network.

The problem

To understand what is happening, let’s deepen the details of how Ethereum nodes communicate with each other through the JSON-RPC interface. When you run a node with Bitcoind, create an RPC server in port 8545. The RPC customer, such aseth-rpc or eth.js, establishes a connection with this server and sends data requests.

However, I have observed that some nodes have reported problems with the sending of JSON objects through the remote JSON-RPC interface. Specifically, the problem lies in the way in which Ethereum nodes handle the serialization of values ​​in JSON chains.

The solution

To solve this problem, I recommend updating the configuration of your node to enable strict mode for the JSON Serialization. These are the steps:


    : Execute the following command to update the RPC server configuration:


$ Bitcoind -Server -Urs http: // localhost: 8545 -JSONRPC -STRICT TRUE

This will enable the strict JSON serialization and prevent unexpected data from being sent.

  • Verify the node configuration files : Check the configuration files of your node (usuallynode.config.jsor config.json) to make sure the sectionJSONRPCis configured correctly . Look for configurations such asJSonRpcversionor rpcurls, which could be causing problems.
  • Verify the JSON-RPC interface : Make sure the RPC Client Library you are using is compatible with the updated node configuration. For example, if you are usingeth-RPC, be sure to update your code to use the new configuration.

Tips and precautions

  • When updating the node configuration, make sure that all connections are established correctly before trying to make remote calls JSON RPC.
  • If you have made changes in your network interface or in the Firewall rules, you may have to configure your node accordingly.
  • Note that the strict mode for JON Serialization can cause greater use of memory and slower communication speeds.


In conclusion, I have found a problem when making calls RPC Json remote in one of my Ethereum nodes due to the way it manages the serialization of JSON objects. When updating theBitcoind` command and guaranteeing the proper configuration of the JSON-RPC interface of the node, you should be able to solve this problem and make calls RPC JSON Successful remote using your favorite library.

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